
Ecumenopolis is a probable outcome of our society. Prepare Shantinagar for an ideal future to a Utopian Society, by making if the ideal neighbourhood for the future.
Making the society to a more approachable content by providing spaces to socialize and interact on many occasions. Open spaces that are more than just parks.
Proximity of peoples needs could be scaled to a walkable radius.
Remove the motion of a space e.: the slum in Shantinagar to be a negative space. These spaces are connecting spaces as well and using them further’s the society’s overall connection.
Humanising the neighbourhood’s mindest beyond cast, colour and creed. Have visual points of interest where engaging in similar activites beings one-ness.
Turning the ordinary to extraordinary eg: tree platforms on trees with connecting bamboo bridges creating an elevated level of interaction-symbolizing the importance of enrious movements.

Shantinagar Mini Map